Purrfect Cool Auto Air

Werribee 3030
Sa: 8:00am-12:00pm
Su: Closed
Air-Con Leaking? New Radiator? A/C Blowing Warm Air?
These are common air conditioning problems in vehicles - and we fix them for customers every day. If you have an air-conditioning problem, we’ll have our on-site van over to you - often within the day to get it sorted.
After 30 years working with air conditioners, we’ve seen it and done it all.
Air conditioners are our passion - and our core business.
It’s why we’re known as Werribee’s most trusted air conditioning specialists.
Service & Repair
We service and repair all domestic vehicles including trucks, cars, tractors, and light commercial vehicles.
- Registered O-Zone safe equipment & gas
- New compressors & changeovers
- Air conditioning service & repairs
- Dash removals
- Re-gassing heater cores
- Hose repairs
- Radiators
- De-gassing.
And here’s exactly what we do:
- Check the operation of your air conditioner
- Temperature test inside cabin
- Check control switches, fan speeds, vent controls, heater control
- Outside: check condensor, hoses & pipes, compressor
- Receiver dryer: Check all parts for oil stains and condition
- Pressure test unit for gas - repair if needed.
Ozone safe gas. Competitive prices. Mobile: yes we’ll go to you!
Make a booking to get a Purrfect Cool from your air conditioning again.